St. Peter's Church, 309 Bowdoin St. Dorchester MA, 02122
Saturday, May 2, 9-5 and Sunday, May 3, 9:30-5
Special guided tours, concerts and activities to raise awareness and votes for preserving this beautiful 1872 puddingstone church on Dorchester's historic Meetinghouse Hill. The church sits on the corner of Percival Street, next door to (little-known fact alert!) the Lydia Clapp house, the first property rehabbed on the TV program This Old House in 1979.
First Parish Church, 10 Parish St., Dorchester MA 02122
Annual Gala
May 2, 6:30 PM, call 617-436-0527
This event is dedicated to matching a grant from the National Trust for Historic Preservation to hire a preservation architect. The architect will do a comprehensive building condition assessment in preparation for extensive restoration project. Tickets $50.
The Dorchester Historical Society's Wine-Tasting @ the Boston Winery, 26 Ericsson Street, Port Norfolk, Dorchester MA 02122
Sunday, May 3, 2-5 pm. $50 per ticket.
Appetizers, tasting of 3 wines created by The Boston Winery, tour of the facility and description of the wine-making process, display of historic memorabilia of Port Norfolk. Make it a party -- get your friends & neighbors to come along.
Every $2 raised at this event will be matched by $1.
To reserve a spot, contact Earl Taylor 781 272-6700 or by e-mail ERMMWWT@aol.com
Mather School Fundraiser @ dbar, 1236 Dorchester Ave, Dorchester, MA 02125
May 3, 2:30-4 pm. Suggested donation $20 at the door.
The first public elementary school in America needs your help. Join them at the dbar for an afternoon of friends, food, live music and a silent auction...all while supporting the students at the Mather. The recent budget cuts have been devastating for them. More info: 617-635-8757
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