American Express and the National Trust for Historic Preservation have selected 25 sites of historical, cultural and aesthetic significance in Greater Boston as candidates for the Partners in Preservation program.
From April 14 - May 17, 2009, you have the opportunity to cast one vote each day online for the historic place that you care about most. At the end of the voting period, the site with the most votes is guaranteed funding from a total of $1 million that American Express will give away to support the preservation of historic places in Greater Boston. See this Dorchester Reporter article.
The Dorchester Historical Society's Architectural Preservation Committee encourages you to visit the link here and to vote daily from April 14 - May 17, 2009 for St. Peter’s Church.
It is an architectural and cultural cornerstone that has been at the heart of its community for over a century. While it remains rooted in serving its community, the structure is showing the wear of a public building. A grant would allow St. Peter's to clean and restore the nine stained glass windows and wood trim on the sanctuary’s eastern side.
If the link above does not work, cut and paste this url into your browser - http://www.partnersinpreservation.org/boston/index.php?sec=vot
Please send this message along to interested folks, and vote daily!
if you are interested, there are other endangered Dorchester properties, to see the historical society's Preservation Month activities, visit this online calendar -